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SDK is now hosted on Maven Central. You just need the regular mavenCentral() repository to download latest version.

  • 0.10.0-Beta5

    • merge android & KMP project as single gradle module
  • 0.10.0-Beta4

    • work all native KMP API to help start on iOS
  • 0.10.0-Beta3

    • optimized startup process & Stricmode fixes
    • global background performances updates
    • SDK context isolation
  • 0.10.0-Beta1

    • Start of new KMP Version (Experimental)
  • 0.9.5

    • Fix Http Client engine to avoid StrictMode conflicts
    • Display sessionId in info logs
    • remove useless setUserId done at start
    • Optimize SDK start calls on IO for local storage
  • 0.9.4

    • Fix some internals logging
  • 0.9.3

    • Proguard fix
  • 0.9.2

    • Feature createIssue to manually to create an issue from the app
    • API protection reinforcements
  • 0.9.1

    • SDK startup Delay Fix
    • logError() can take up to 20 lines of stacktrace
  • 0.9.0

    • log() function to log messages
    • trace() function to trace performances for a block code
  • 0.8.1

    • Fix proguard flatten packages to avoid conflicts with other SDK
  • 0.8.0

    • SDK is now public on Maven Central & Github
    • improved proguard rules internally
  • 0.7.0

    • Fixing internals API - Push rate adjustements
    • Fixing mapping upload with Gradle plugin
  • 0.6.2

    • fix offline networking error
    • handle android security config
  • 0.6.1

    • Fix plugin id to help setup with Gradle KTS
    • New Logger system - report fatal internals
    • Check for Koin Logger setup if not properly setup when SDK is connecting
  • 0.6.0

    • renaming both sdk & plugin to 0.6.x version track
    • publish back to JFrog
  • 0.5.x

    • Gradle plugin to upload mapping & meta index to the platform
  • 0.4.5

    • SDK internal initialization fix to allow async usage of different analytics reporter, in different threads
  • 0.4.3 & 0.4.4

    • JFrog distribution hosting -
    • internals update with common-sdk
  • 0.4.2

    • crash reporter enabled by default (compatible with crashlytics)
    • explicit API cleaning
  • 0.4.1

    • Error reporting reconnection fix
    • Local backup format fix
  • 0.4.0

    • Client connection handling 403/429 and reconnect strategy
    • Crash reporting (not yet enabled by default)
      • Store & resend saved crash report
    • Core scheduler update with Coroutines 1.7.1
  • 0.3.x

    • cloud inject rebranding
    • new connection endpoint
    • new background scheduler

0**.3.1 - 2023-05-11**

  • cloud-inject rebranding
  • allow delayed SDK setup for Koin logger

0**.2.0 - 2023-**

  • connection & control flow from the cloud
  • persist refresh

0**.1.5 - 2023-04-24**

  • atomic order management

0**.1.3 - 2023-03-17**

  • Android event scheduling fix

0.1.2 - 2023-03-14

  • Environment Configuration management
  • Threading info Fix