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Register New Applications

This quickstart describes how to set up Cloud-Inject in your app with the Cloud-Inject SDK.

Register Your Application

Use the "Register Your Application" wizard to set up your application in Cloud-Inject, ensuring your app key is unique.

Set Up Cloud-Inject SDK

Choose between 'Kotlin DSL' or 'Groovy' for tailored code snippets. Integrate the Cloud-Inject plugin and SDK into your project and app module, then sync your project.

Start Cloud-Inject SDK

Enables comprehensive app observability and enhanced logging from the outset, ensuring that insights and analytics are captured across the entire application lifecycle.

Launch Your App

With the SDK integrated and your data verified, launch your app. Your operational data is now live on the Cloud-Inject dashboard.

With the Cloud-Inject SDK successfully integrated and your initial data verified, your app is now configured to communicate with the Cloud-Inject platform. Your operational and performance data will now be live on your Cloud-Inject dashboard, offering you insights and analytics to optimize your application architecture continuously.